Gary Green

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 

More Fun with Your Dock

To get rid of an application from your dock, just click on it and pull it out of the dock. You'll see a little poof of smoke. Just let go of your mouse and gone it is.

To get it back, just go to your Applications menu and look for that application. It's easy. Select the icon, hold and drag it down into your dock. Wait for the other items there to make way for the new application, then drop it in. If you don't like where it is, click on it again and move it over left or right by dragging it around the dock and dropping it wherever you want.

THE CONTEXTUAL MENU is what you'll get if you click on an icon in your dock and hold it. You can use the contextual menu to remove an icon from the dock, open that application automatically every time you launch, or to open the application.

Once the application is opened, if you click on the icon in the dock again, your menu will be slightly changed. Now you also have the options to quit or hide the application.

You can also add a folder to the dock so that you can readily find it. Just drag on the folder and drag it to your dock, but you have to drag it over to the right side of the dock's dividing line. You can also drag j-pegs there (then if you click on it, the j-peg will open up in PREVIEW). The left of the dividing line is for applications, and the right is for documents pics and folders, etc.

Once the folder is in your dock, you can click to open it, or click and hold to get the folder's CONTEXTUAL MENU. If you have sub-menus or icons stored in that folder, they will appear in the menu and you can select them. The application that runs that icon will automatically launch if it's not already open.

You may also have noticed, also on the right of the dividing line, the icon in your dock with a @ character at the top. This is an icon that will automatically link you to a MAC OS X web page where you can find more information about things you can get me for Christmas!

Finally, note that in the dock, you will always see a small black triangle under any application that is already open on your computer. FYI, another way to check and see what applications are currently open is to hold down the OPTION KEY and then hit TAB. And if you keep the OPTION KEY pressed and click TAB, you will move from one open application to the next.

Remember, anytime you pull something off the dock, you don't have to worry about having deleted it. The items on the dock are not the original items themselves, but simply exist to point to where those items are actually stored on your hard drive.

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